My Work-Shop
Experience at the 2017 Auckland Writer’s Festival
Yesterday, a
load of chosen students from multiple schools including Clendon Park School,
went to the 2017 Auckland Writer’s Festival.
Daisy, Tyler,
Adirua, Mafile’o and I all had a Work-shop lesson with Renata Hopkins, Author
of the fairy-tale ‘The Cry Baby’. In the work-shop, Renata gave us a worksheet
with multiple tasks on it. The first task, she taught us was Fairy-tale styled
story starters. (E.g. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away….) She told us
about some famous story starters like the Star Wars opening crawl, then we had
to make as many story starters as we could in 4-mins. The ones I made were: In
a world where swords, shields and flintlocks lasted forever…, In a time when
it’s never-ending wars, nuclear explosions and killing of innocents… and In a
world where it’s a never-ending nuclear wasteland…
The nest task was to write a rhyme that
includes an enchanted item (Charm, curse, spell or a riddle. We learnt about
some famous ones like from Jack and The Bean Stalk.
(Fi, Fi,
Fo, Fum
I smell
the blood of an Englishman
Be he
alive, be he dead
grind his bones to make my bread.)
And then we had to make
one ourselves. But I did not complete mine, as we didn’t have enough writing
After the second lesson, we
had to describe an enchanted object that acts has a portal to another world.
Renata told us about a fairy-tale called ‘The Faery Handbag’ where a woman
skinned a dog and made a purse out of it and it turned into a portal to another
The last lesson was called ‘Trickster
heroes walk among us’. What we had to do was to transport a hero or villain in
a world that they do not know of and put them in a setting against the ‘new
gods’ (Social Media and Celebrities etc.…)
(e.g. “He showed up half-way through the term.
He told us his name was Maui but we would call him ‘M’. He said that he was a
Demi-God too, but he was always talking crazy like that, always cracking us up.
Here’s when I realised he wasn’t kidding.”) What I wrote was: Our friend Sunset at CH (Canterlot High) said
she had magical powers that no one wanted to see, nobody believed her and
thought she was plain crazy and just laughed when she told someone or one of
her friends. But really… This is when everyone learnt that she wasn’t kidding
at all…
After all the lessons, I got Renata Hopkins to
sign my journal and then Daisy, Tyler, Adirua, Mafile’o and I went to the next
session in the theatre. It was an awesome day.
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